The Soft Skills Workspace aims to open the dialogue on Skills Training and Development in English to a broader audience of English Second Language speakers. We offer a range of Training, Collaboration and Consulting solutions to individuals, groups and companies.
The Soft Skills Workspace Framework, is the basis from which we develop our material and is grounded in the newest thinking in Soft Skills Training and Development. Furthermore, through the optimization of EduTech, we aim to bring all our clients knowledge and training that is accessible and affordable.
Latest Updates
Leadership: An Introduction Self-Study Course added to Courses
Leadership: An introduction Workshop Training Material added to Store
Leadership workspace updated
External Environment Analysis free Self-Study Guide uploaded to Global Literacy workspace
Groupthink free Self-Study Guide uploaded to Collaboration workspace
Global Literacy workspace updated
The Art of Storytelling workshop material added to the shop
Learning Agility, Intentional Learning free material added to the Learning Workspace
Giving and Receiving Feedback Workshop Material now available in the shop
Persuasive Communication Primer now available for free in the Communication Workspace
Creative Thinking training workshop material uploaded to shop.
Transactional Communication Model uploaded to Communication Workspace