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Some Tips for Teaching Business English

Updated: Jan 11

The best approach in a Business English class is to get students to practice the target language as often as possible in settings that reflect real business scenarios.

Generic language skills, like giving one’s opinion, agreeing and disagreeing, etc. can be practiced during daily group activities about business topics focusing on for example marketing or finance. More specific target language, e.g. using conditionals during negotiation, requires role plays that are properly set up and utilizes stimuli such as realia, cue cards or worksheets. Short presentations, simulated meetings and mock conversations are all part of the teaching toolbox.

In order to reflect the broad array of businesses, accents and situations that students might encounter, the use of additional resources such as listening exercises is essential. Sharing personal experiences from work is another important aspect of the class experience. Relevant and personalized learning experiences increase the potential of target language retention in the classroom. This is particularly important during open class feedback, where students are encouraged to discuss their difficulties in the workplace. Feedback is essential in helping students to create an awareness of the mistakes they make.

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